ERPGo SaaS Review All In One Business ERP

February 22, 2023

ERPGo SaaS Review All In One Business ERP

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ERPGo SaaS is the best utility tool that allows you easily handle every aspect of Account, HRM, CRM, and Project. So let us read more about ERPGo SaaS Review All In One Business ERP.

ERPGo SaaS Review All In One Business ERP

ERPGo SaaS Review All In One Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM, CRM & POS

It isn’t easy to track different tools used for different business purposes. With the SaaS version of ERPGo, you can run your whole business with just one tool.

Highlights of ERPGo SaaS – All-In-One Company ERP With Project, Account, HRM, and CRM

Create Plans and Get Paid Is a Special SaaS Feature

With a Super Admin Login, you can make plans that fit your business model the best. Choose the right price and length of time for the plan you just made. Use different payment gateways to pay. It would no longer work if the plan were not renewed when it ran out.

The Amazing Dashboard

The dashboard for ERPGo SaaS is the most complete and has all the important information in one place. Dashboards have made our lives easier, and we can all agree on that. You can get quantitative data, like the total number of clients, users, invoices, projects, estimates, leads, deals, and items.

You can see an overview of Estimates, Invoices, most overdue Payments, Projects, and Tasks so that you can act promptly. As you scroll down, you’ll see reminders of meeting times, contracts about to end, weekly events, and new clients. Lastly, a Pie Chart can help you determine how different projects are going. In short, this useful tool can be used for every business task.

Manage Staff

Use easy-to-make options to keep track of your employees’ and clients’ personal and business information. You can change the information and the status whenever you want. You can easily find staff members by using filters for department and position.

Assign each staff member a job.

Our accounting tool for multiple users lets you give each staff member a job. You can control what they can do with certain parameters by managing their permissions.

Employee Management

You can use a detailed HR section to keep track of Attendance, Bulk Attendance, Holidays, Leaves, Conferences, Assets, Documents, and Company Policies. You can create, edit, and filter as you like. You get a full picture of everything about the employee.

You can also use easy tabs to handle employee Awards, Transfers, Promotions, Complaints, and other HR tasks. With ERPGo SaaS, you can plan, manage, and care for each employee’s training and performance.


With the help of the Payroll module’s set salary feature, you’ll be able to set your employees’ salaries, especially under the different heads you set. Also, you can make many payments at once with the payslip feature.

Added Performance Module with Indicator, Appraisal, and Goal Tracking

Appraisal And Indicator

There are three types of competencies: technical, organizational, and behavioural. The overall performance of each Designation of each Department of the Branches is given. Setup can be used to change or make the predefined settings.


This module can be used to set any goal, whether temporary, short-term, long-term, etc. One can change the entry to show the latest progress. Setup can be used to change or make the predefined settings.

Added A Chat Module

Direct communication is an essential part of any business. The ERPGo SaaS Chat Module is easy to use and gives you direct communication with your users and clients.

Included Contract Module

The Contract Module is a great way to keep track of the contracts you make with clients, including the type of contract, its value, and how long it lasts. Setup can be used to change or make the predefined settings.

Manage Pre-Sales

Leads Management

You can use a Kanban view or a list view to see all the leads made. Make pipelines and put different leads in different stages. You can keep track of the leads by adding Users, Objects, Files, Notes, Sources, Call Details, Emails, and Discussions. Get all the information you need about a particular lead in an easy-to-read format.

Deal Management

Deals, like leads, can be seen in Kanban or List view. Find out what deals have been made in the last week, month, and 30 days. Give each deal its Tasks, Products, Files, and Users.

Take care of conversations and notes. Get a calendar view of each deal detail as well. In short, it has never been easier to handle business deals.


Keep a tab on issued estimates. You can keep track of the estimates by giving each one a Client, a Status, and an Expiration Date. Adding Clients, Categories, Issues, and Expiration Dates makes it easy to make new estimates.

You can add as many items as needed and use discounts and taxes as needed. With ERPGo SaaS, you can make estimates in just a few minutes.

Added Form Builder

Create and manage forms with different fields, such as Text, Email, Number, Date, and Description, based on the business’s needs.

Project Management


You can manage and filter each project in both the Kanban and List views. Get an overview of the project’s status, costs, budget, and due date to help you manage it.

You can add or remove users and check the tasks they’ve done. Please make a list of tasks and rank them in order of importance. Use the Kanban board to get an overview of what needs to be done.

Add Project Milestones, Notes, Files, Comments, Payments, Timesheets, Client Feedback, Expenses, Invoices, and any other relevant information. Think about a project and everything you would need to do to make it a success. Well, ERPGo SaaS makes it easy to keep track of them.


For a project to be put into action successfully, it needs to be broken down into small tasks that can help reach the end goal. Well, you can easily keep track of all your tasks by using a filter.

Check out each task’s importance and when it needs to be done. You can also add a checklist for each task and keep track of how you’re doing. Again, add files and comments as needed.

Project Timesheet

Assign Projects, Tasks, and Users to make a timesheet. Set a start date and an end date, as well as a start and end time. This lets you manage your project in the best way possible.

 Inventory Management On Invoice And Bill

Isn’t it easy to see how much of each item you need for the business activities you have on hand? Sounds very interesting! Here, you can keep track of the stock of each item you have registered using the inventory management feature.

After the Invoice or Bill is made, the quantity will be updated automatically in “Product & Services” for review. Overall, keeping track of the number of products in stock is easy.

Conclusion – ERPGo SaaS Review All In One Business ERP

With this “Customer/ Vendor Statement Report” Module, you can look at the filtered details of that customer or vendor for a certain period. This statement report shows the beginning and ending dates, order details, payment details, and the customer/transaction vendor’s history. So this concludes the topic for ERPGo SaaS Review All In One Business ERP.
